Cancer Innova Program

What is the Cancer Innova Program?

The Cancer Innova Program was born after the success of the I2D2 Program carried out by the Galician Innovation Agency, the Janssen / Johnson & Johnson company and the Kærtor Foundation between 2017-2019 in which three projects were successfully incubated that followed different paths towards patients (one of them funded by Janssen/J&J). The Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer and the multinational pharmaceutical company Lilly, join the program to pool efforts forces and share synergies and experiences in favour of a new program in the field of drug discovery focused on oncology, which allows to advance innovative projects up to clinical proof of concept in humans in the frame of the Business Factory Medicines

Focus of the Cancer Innova Program

The Cancer Innova Program (CIP Program) within the framework of a new Business Factory Medicines focuses again, as in I2D2, on the concept of reverse transference in order to allow:

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The promotion of scientific research aimed at the discovery of drugs or related techniques and / or providing benefits in the treatment of cancer.

The creation of a pole of open innovation applied to drug discovery and the generation of socio-economic value.

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The incorporation from the beginning of the vision of patients and industrial partners who will bring new medicines to patients.

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Purpose of the Cancer Innova Program

The purpose of this call is to add value to biomedical research with an inclusive vision to achieve maximum efficiency. The partners involved in this project want to contribute in this way to the discovery of drugs for cancer, thus supporting the best biomedical science on the mechanisms of the disease.

To do this, the Kærtor methodology applies disruptive science to drug discovery, reducing the risk of failure towards its industrial application.

Project carried out by:

Asociación Española Contra el Cancer
Fundación Kaertor